Training / Development

Westpack Training - Our portfolio/ services

Our training portfolio consists of three programme designs:

1. Open Programmes

Westpack Training delivers open enrolment training interventions in core operational areas. These include Accounting and Auditing, Finance, Credit, Treasury and Risk Management, Banking Operations, Directors Education, Marketing and Sales, Human Resources Management, Management Development and Information Technology. FITC’s open courses are programmes in which the participants in the class are from different organizations. Participants for Westpack open courses cuts across staff of regulators in the financial services sector, operators in the financial services sector, manufacturing, real, telecommunications, oil and gas sectors of the economy.

2. Customised Programmes

We also design and deliver training programmes that are tailor-made to meet the specific needs of clients. Each of the courses listed as open programme can feature as customised programme. We also design training programmes based on observation from consulting assisgnment on clients need.> 3. Special Programmes

From time to time, the Centre organises special programmes and events that address contemporary issues in the economy. Such programmes are organised within the following categories:


Westpack Associates is a leading capacity development organization providing in-house and external training. We provide a range of financial, banking and management training. The trainings are modelled to equip participants with the practical appreciation and skills of the subject matter. At the commencement of implementation of IFRS in Nigeria in 2012, Westpack in collaboration with the operator Market Operators which included over 200 Chief Finance Officers/Accountants and 80 MD/CEOs of Dealing Firms.

If you work in finance and you're looking to build your knowledge & skills to drive your career our courses are perfect for you. Or if you’re looking to train your team we can help you select the exact courses to tackle their needs. We can even run any of our financial training programmes in-house, customising it to your exact requirements. Additionally we have a range of senior management level courses you could be interested in.


Recent developments in the global and domestic economies have compelled companies to enhance the capacity and capability of their human resources to meet the challenges being faced and prepare them to explore the opportunities presented. Synergy Professionals seeks to acquaint participants with the knowledge, skills and tools needed in order for participants to steer their institutions through the turbulence, into high impact and sustainable levels of performance.

Our corporate training improves employees skills and enhance performance by focusing on professional development. Our training covers seminars, workshops and retreats. We design the framework, models, contents and provide the facilitation.

In addition to education services westpack Associates provides corporate training for courses such as: